Friday, November 30, 2018

November post!!!!!

Hey everybody,
So, the month of November has come to a close, and it's starting to feel cold and like Winter! I'm still shocked, as to how this semester and year as a whole has flown by! We have completed our Cardiovascular/Renal block as well as our Pulmonary & Molecular Biology block, and it all feels like it went by so very quick!!! This program has been such a wonderful experience for me, and I feel like I have learned so much and improved in so many different ways! The Cardiovascular/Renal block was my favorite block so far, even though I found it to be extremely challenging and our most difficult block so far! 

For volunteering, I have continued to volunteer at the KIPP School, and I will volunteer at Habitat for Humanity, and another organization possibly for this semester. I got the chance to finally see the students during a school day for the first time, so it was wonderful to see that we are making a difference in their lives and their learning! It makes me extremely happy to see the students so happy and enjoying themselves, as well as the teachers! There seems to be a joint effort on both of their parts to make a wonderful learning experience! Our final block for the semester is GI/Neoplasia, which I'm really enjoying so far, so I'm looking forward to ending this semester on a high note!!!!! 😊

Updated November and December Volunteering Hours: 21
Total Fall Semester Volunteering Hours: 24